Heath Town Swimming Club takes safeguarding and its members welfare seriously in order to provide a safe environment for all members.
If there are any concerns to be discussed or incidents to report you can speak confidentially to our Welfare Officer.
Our Welfare Officer Nicky Russell can be contacted using the Welfare email address. Any correspondence will always remain confidential and will be acted upon in accordance to the Wavepower guidelines.
To contact Welfare you can email on the following address:
Regional Welfare Officers names and contact details can be found here. https://westmidlandswimming.org.uk/asa-home/safeguarding-and-welfare/
The club adopts and implements in full Swim England’s Wavepower 2024 policies on safeguarding. Which can be downloaded here .
Or you can phone Childline 0800 1111 .
Calls are confidential and do not appear on your phone bill.